Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Snakes On a Blog

OK, the ugly side of Tape Swap is emerging.
As official administrator, I feel I should make a couple of comments.

Tape Swap is now in it's fourth cycle, and has mostly been a most excellent adventure for those involved.

But, as has been illustrated by the previous post, some people haven't been keeping up their end of the deal.
If you can't do it, don't.
If you have already commited yourself to it, and a problem arises, just email me. I am not THAT scary, and it will also give me the option of finding someone else to complete the swap.

Another issue is comments. It's great how involved everyone is getting, and far be it for me to censor you fuckers, since it's your blog too, but lets keep it friendly. This is meant to be a good experience, not a bitch fest.
Actually, nothing that bad has happened yet, let's keep it that way.

Thanks to everyone who is playing well. Tape Swap is proving to be mostly radness!


Blogger Ross T said...

well, well...
... well.

okay, i admit my tone was a little aggressive in my previous post but I like to scare people... I'm sure people sign up to this TS thing with the best of intentions and I understand that sometimes people can be a few days late sending their tapes out... like who gives a fuck about that, right? but if somebody doesn't send it all that's kinda abusing the trust of the person they have been assigned to partner and the trust of this whole friggin system hence they are a snake. I don't like snakes. They are scaley.

Also I haven't flamed anybody as an individual, I am not mad at any one person, I simply want to make sure that this does not happen to other people in the future and if it does I will be forced to form a posse and set their houses on fire.

8:30 PM  
Blogger Wiz said...

yeah ROSS...I think it's fair enough that ur pissed off. I wasn't actually referring to you, mr. You are a Tape Swapper that I hold aloft, like a mighty sword.

9:29 PM  

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